Computational Mechanics
School of Production Engineering and Management, Technical University of Crete
Introduction to computational mechanics, with emphasis on the finite element method. Numerical methods in construction. Finite element method (equilibrium, compatibility, material laws, geometric discretization, stiffness and mass matrix, composition of items, total matrices, formation and solution, post data). Brief theoretical introduction (virtual work principle, etc.), examples of static linear analysis (bar, beam, plane stress tray). Related problems.
Environmental Geochemistry
School of Environmental Engineering, Technical University of Crete
Global biogeochemical cycles, Determination of pH of natural waters, Carbonate balance, Chemicals species in solution, Regulator voltage and neutralizing capacity, Creating the composition of natural waters, Determination of equilibrium constants, Chemical activity and ionic strength, Fate of metals in the environment, Hydrolysis and complexation of metals, Action of inorganic compounds as substituents, Competitive binding ligands, Interaction of aqueous solutions with sediments and soils, Solubility and sorption, Effect of chemical species in solubility, Formation of surface complexes, Redox Geochemistry, Heterogeneous reactions and cycles, Redox balance capacity and redox titrations (scale pE), Use of chemical equilibrium model for the modeling of chemical species of heavy metals in surface waters and groundwater, Environmental geochemistry applications for soil remediation
Transformable Architecture
School of Architectural Engineering, Technical University of Crete
The course has as its main theme applied movement in architecture and in particular the variable (transformable) architecture, with some reports and more, and sometimes interactive, class transferred architecture (portable). It will approach the issue of time and movement in the synthetic process of production sites and forms through the analog or digital operation, and within the context of the evolution of these models in the construction and operation of motor models.
Computer Organization
School of Electronic and Computer Engineering, Technical University of Crete
Introduction to design processor, machine language as interface between hardware and software. Internal processor organization. Implementation of a processor using simple modules (registers, multiplexers, logic gates). Datapath and controlpath design. Interrupts and interrupt handling at the control module. Cache memories, virtual memory. Modern implementation of processors based on pipelining.
Illustration of Imaginary
School of Architectural Engineering, Technical University of Crete
To lesson Specialization (SP) for the development of specific skills (SC). The course aims to cultivate the ability of students to express ideas and representational images created in their minds. The ability of an architect to be able to reflect with utmost fidelity thoughts and to "bring" in reality, to visualize the fruit of his imagination is one of the most essential skills that can be acquired.
The course is based on the theory of Radford, stressing the need for a hybrid experiential effort in acquiring experiences by trainees architects through role game theory. This process will "bring" students before situations in which you have to experience the imaginary and then to portray. Through this process, students come into contact with all items and scales of the built environment, called to portray a fast but effective ways.
Bussiness Intelligence and knowledge management
Introduction to Mechatronics
School of Production Engineering and Management, Technical University of Crete
Mechatronics deals with the loop of the dynamic system (mechanical, electric or a combination of several fields), with the control and with the interfaces used for the measurement response (sensors) and the imposition of control (actuators).
And due to the fact that systems rarely meet the assumptions of our study, the mathematical model is complex (non - linear), has flaws etc. and usually use intelligent control systems (fuzzy logic, neural networks and hybrid techniques).
Simulation and numerical solution of problems of dynamics and vibrations of structures with introduction to the design and control of dynamical systems. Linear s-dof oscillator (free response, eigenfreequency, damping, forced vibration). Discrete m-dof oscillators (simulation, eigenmodes, eigenfreequencies, modal anaysis). Analytical dynamics (restrictions, virtual work principle, Lagrange equations, Hamilton principle). Continuous medium.
Surface Mining I (Lignites)
Michael Galetakis - undergraduate -
School of Mineral Resources Engineering, Technical University of Crete
This course includes the study of design in production with particular emphasis on the Surface mines. Develops all stages of the mining in surface mine design, the evaluation of exploratory wells and optimizing of final excavation limits up to designing the environmental rehabilitation of farms, with practical applications. They also present special mining planning with modern software applications
Surface Mining Design
GEORGE EXADAKTYLOS - undergraduate -
School of Mineral Resources Engineering, Technical University of Crete
Lectures are on Marble Surface & Underground Quarrying, Open Pit Mining Engineering, ore reserve modeling, planning and design, excavation methods, risk, equipment selection, equipment performance analysis and cost analysis.