Business Process Management
Angeliki Poulymenakou - Postgraduate -
Management Science and Technology, Athens University of Economics and Business
This course introduces the notion of information systems (I.S.) used in enterprises, links them with business analytics (B.A.) and analyses business processes (B.P.) as the fundamental element of modern enterprises and the management of their performance.
Business Process Management
Business Process Management: Types of B.P and their function in the enterprise. BP process modelling techniques. Application of IT tools for BP process modelling and management. Comprehension of BP architecture. Specification of requirements for new IS and infrastructure.
Principles of BP Performance Management: Process performance metrics and practical case examples of enterprise and inter-organizational systems: ERP, CRM, MIS, e-commerce and e-government. Process management frameworks and the balanced scorecard approach.
This course analyzes the structure and problems of the Greek economy via a set of topical lectures given by significant personalities in the Greek academic and business environment. The course details the achievements, as well as the deficiencies of the Greek economy in the past 50 years. Emphasis is given on the analysis of the institutions, on macro-economic series and on a comparative viewpoint.
Ioanna Sapfo Pepelasis - Undergraduate -
Economics, Athens University of Economics and Business
The course adopts an interdisciplinary perspective in the study of entrepreneurship. It combines theory with history and practice. It focuses on the Greek case and examines entreprenurship in various areas of the Greek economy. It encompasses personal testimonies of entrepreneurs and gives practical advice as to how to create a start-up.
The course is oriented to a "micro" view of marketing through the study and analysis of the consumer as decision maker. The emphasis of the course placed on the strategic impact in marketing, of psychological and social effects received by the consumer during the decision making process. Topics that are presented in detail in this course include: making and processing information from the consumer, consumer perceptions, and commitment to the brand and mix of consumer products, measuring and changing attitudes, demographic and psycho-graphic consumer characteristics, consumer behavior research, social and interpersonal effects, situational effects and consumer purchasing behavior.
Money and Capital markets
Spyros Spyrou - Undergraduate -
Accounting and Finance, Athens University of Economics and Business
The module aims to present valuation methods and discuss the most importantt instruments of modern money and capital markets. More specifically, we shall discusss fixed income security markets, swap markets, future and option markets and stockk markets. Furthermore, important issues on the informational efficiency of these marketss will be critically evaluated along with theoretical inconsistenciess and puzzles (limits to arbitrage, equity premium puzzle, closed end fund puzzle, dividend puzzle, etc).
The course aims to thoroughly cover the basic principles and methods of calculus and linear algebra that are considered to be essential to the qualified financial analyst/ accountant today. In order to achieve this goal, this course develops aspects of algebra, analysis, and differential and integral calculus, which are the mathematical background of quantitative tools of modern financial and accounting theory.
International Marketing
George Panigyrakis - Undergraduate -
Business Administration, Athens University of Economics and Business
Everyday, millions of people around the world use products and services from different countries. In the context of a globalized economy in which a rapid increase in international trades has been observed during the past decade, international marketing became one of the most important research fields.
An international executive has to know the parameters and variables of the country where his business is operating, as a key factor in ensuring the viability of a modern enterprise.
Therefore, the main objective of this course is to present and analyze current practices concerning the design, the development, the implementation and the evaluation of an international marketing plan.
Introduction to Marketing
George Panigyrakis - Undergraduate -
Department of Business Administration, Athens University of Economics and Business
This specific course provides the students an introduction to the utilization and application of the marketing concept on an entrepreneurial level. The lectures have been structured in a way that makes the students familiar with the fundamental marketing concepts and tools such as: marketing management, marketing strategy, market segmentation, pricing, promotion, sales, product life cycle, consumer behavior, market & marketing research and marketing plan. The marketing elements examined at this course are synthesized and implemented in the context of a broader marketing programming. One of the most important goals of this lecture is, understanding the crucial role that marketing plays in the prosperity and growth of a company. It will also be given emphasis on the practical application of marketing, by creatively combining theory and practice.
The objective of the course is to introduce basic concepts and techniques related to business analysis of IT enabled work systems. The students will comprehend how different types of business processes and technologies, within a specific human, work and organisational context can be analysed in order to identify and implement improvements and innovations. Emphasis is given on techniques for the analysis of structures, performance, infrastructures and risk in organisational and societal settings empowered by technology. Further, the student will be introduced to techniques and tools for business process modelling and evaluation and will apply them to test cases in lab sessions. Students will also learn how to conduct a business process analysis study and will be asked to apply these skill in ta real life case setting.
The course material includes the following thematic areas:
• Organizational analysis and Information Systems
• Work systems: conceptual framework, elements of, and 5 analysis perspectives
• Event driven business process modelling
• Work systems analysis perspectives: architecture, performance, infrastructures, context, and risk.
• Applying business analysis techniques to real-life settings
• Business process management life-cycle.
Technology Management
Angeliki Poulymenakou - Postgraduate -
MBA (Part-Time Course), Athens University of Economics and Business
In today's competitive environment where emerging new technologies have a great impact on companies' performance and play an increasingly positive role in their winning greater market share, it is highly important for each business to understand how the use of new technology will lead to the development of new, innovative products and the acquisition of strong competitive advantage.
The postgraduate course in Technology Management consists of 3 main parts:
- Strategic Management of Technological Innovation
- Effective Management of Technology in Technology – Intensive Organizations
- The Context of Technology Management: Platforms, Markets and Innovation