Analysis and control of electromechanical dynamic systems that can be described by Euler Lagrange equations. Property of Passivity.
Operational Research
Grigorios Beligiannis - Undergraduate -
Department of Business Administration of Food and Agricultural Enterprises, University of Patras
The course covers in depth the issue of decision making in business environment and the role of Operational Research. Extensive description and analysis of the theory and practice of dealing with decision-making problems in a business environment is performed.
Modeling and solving of linear programming problems (LP) is presented and analyzed.
The simplex method is described and presented in detail as well as many special cases of LP problems.
Probabilistic Techniques
Sotiris Nikoletseas - Undergraduate -
Computer Engineering and Informatics, University of Patras
The course "PROBABILISTIC TECHNIQUES" is being taught at the 4th year of studies, as an elective course.
Introduction (the Earth’s climate system, weather and climate, factors that determine the Earth’s climate), the energy budget of the planet (solar radiation, terrestrial radiation), the Greenhouse effect, some useful definitions: radiative forcing and global potential warming, climate forcing factors (the greenhouse gases, surface albedo, the role of aerosols), Paleoclimate (climate change throughout geological ages, natural causes of climate changes, proxies of past climate), the recent global warming (human-induced climate variations, anthropogenic forcing, enhanced greenhouse effect), the observed climate changes, statistical analysis of climate parameters (variability, variations, anomalies and trends), climate models, climate feedback mechanisms, the emissions scenarios, future climate predictions and projections, impacts of climate change, vulnerability and mitigation to climate change, strategies for climate change mitigation
Environmental Geology
Ierotheos Zacharias - Undergraduate -
Department of Environmental and Natural Resources Management, University of Patras
Technical geological information is required for all geo-environmental site investigations, ranging from designing foundations to assessing contaminated land. In the developed and developing world, large areas of derelict industrial land are now being remediated for other uses, and in such areas site investigation demands the integration of both geotechnical and geo-environmental skills. Additionally, environmental protection and sustainable development now underpins legislation in most countries. Typically, individual projects involve elements of geotechnics, ground contamination and environmental assessment. Environmental Geology is focused on providing students with skills appropriate to a career with geo-engineering and geo-environmental consultancies, with regulatory authorities and government.
Students should become aware of the field of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) and their application in the preschool and early childhood age through the development and evaluation of suitable activities relevant to the curriculum and including the employment of computers and educational software.
Wireless and mobile communication networks critically affect almost every aspect of modern economic (e.g., electronic commerce), political (e.g., elections) and social life (e.g., contemporary social networks), i.e., our culture.
In the context of this course we address mobile and wireless networks, such as cellular, ad hoc, wireless sensor networks (WSN). We study their fundamental characteristics together with issues related to their efficient design with emphasis on algorithmic aspects of topology control and efficient management of critical resources (such as energy and frequency spectrum). We present applications and effects of mobile and wireless networks in cultural heritage management. We study and review modern mobile technologies placing emphasis on the design and development of mobile web and augmented reality applications.
Koulouridis Stavros - Undergraduate -
Microwaves, University of Patras
Transmission Lines: Homogeneous line equations. Parameters of homogeneous line. Transmission line attributes. Standing waves. Propagation constant and propagation velocity. Circuit analysis of transmission line. Characteristic and complex impedance of transmission line. Load matching in transmission line with quarter wave transformers, single or double stubs. Special type transmission lines, Graphical representation of reflection coefficient-Smith chart. Coupled transmission lines analysis. Balance and Non-Balanced transmission line. Crosstalk in long and short lines, Crosstalk in crossed lines and amplified lines. Line balancing. Transmission line types (two-wire, coaxial, stripline, slotline, coplanar lines) Waveguides Guided waves and guided modes. Separation of variables method. Wave equation solution. Field components. TEM, TE και ΤΜ modes. Parallel plates waveguide. Propagation condition. Rectangular and circular waveguide. Excitation of waveguides. Propagation velocity, characteristic impedance. Loss. Electromagnetic cavities. Dielectric waveguides. Fiber optics.
Power Dividers and directional couplers. Multiport microwave elements, Magic T, Microstric cicrcuits.Active microwave circuits: detectors. Ferrite. Microwave filters
The course "Advanced Transportation Systems" deals with the advanced transportation systems which are a useful tool for managing transport and information technologies in public transportation systems. The purpose of these systems is to increase the efficiency of their activities and improve transport safety.