Found 173 courses



natural sciences subject

, - Undergraduate - (A+)
, Eastern Macedonia and Thrace Institute of Technologie

natural sciences subject

Christos Kourouniotis - Undergraduate - (A+)
Department of Mathematics and Applied Mathematics, University of Crete

natural sciences subject

Numerical Analysis

Konstantinos Kleidis - Undergraduate - (A-)
Department of Mechanical Engineering, TEI of Central Macedonia

Errors calculations: Basic concepts, types of errors, error propagation in numerical calculations. Approximate expressions functions: The coincident polynomial and polynomials of Taylor and Mc Laurin, applications in numerical problem solving methods - complete functions in non-closed form. Numerical solution of algebraic equations: Finding roots - method of regula falsi, method of Newton-Raphson. Numerical interpolation: Linear interpolation full insertion by the method of Newton. Dual linear interpolation. Numerical differentiation: Linear derivation, complete derivatization by means of coincident polynomial Newton. Numerical integration: trapezoidal method, method of Cotes. Numerical solution of first-order differential equations: The method of Euler, the method of Taylor, the method of Runge-Kutta 2nd and 4th order.

natural sciences subject

Electrical Circuits

Anastasios Mpalouktsis - Undergraduate - (A-)
Department of Computer Engineering, TEI of Central Macedonia

Historical data. Conductors, insulators, semiconductors. Law of Coulomb. Maintaining cargo. Electric field. Electric field strength. Electric Resources. Electric Current and Resistance. Law of Ohm. Connecting elements in series and parallel. Energy transfer to an electrical circuit. Notations electrical quantities. Units of measurement. Multiples and submultiples. Signals and waveforms. Non-periodic signals. Magazines signals. Modulated signals. Back & Active signal value. Electric circuit. Linearity, causality, temporal immutability. Independent and dependent sources. Internal resistance. Log ideals sources. Connecting actual sources. Voltage divider. Divider current. Wheatstone Bridge. Solving circuits. Laws of Kirchhoff. Process loops. Examples. Process nodes. Examples. Superposition theorem. Theorem of substitution. Theorem of Tellegen. Theorems of Thevenin & Norton. Examples. Solving circuits with dependent sources. Examples. Transformations star - triangle. Maximum power transfer theorem. Straight burden and dynamic element resistance. Complex resistors. Composite circuits. Voltage & Vectors intensity. Power in complex circuits. Examples. Circuits coordination with passive components. In a series - parallel. Range transit zone. Quality factor. Frequency transfer function. Examples. Time response circuits. Circuits RC. Circuit RLC. Stability circuits. Transformers. An ideal, real and hybrid transformer. Graphic measurement performances. Errors of measurements. Straight least squares. Detection Instruments. Gauges. Multimeters. Oscilloscope.

natural sciences subject

Linear Algebra II

Nikolaos Marmaridis, Ioannis Beligiannis - Undergraduate - (A-)
Department of Mathematics, University of Ioannina

Sum and direct sum of subspaces. The polynomial rings R[t] and C[t]. Eigenvalues, eigenvectors, and eigenspaces. Diagonalization and triangulation of endomorphisms and square matrices. Minimal polynomial and the Cayley-Hamilton Theorem. Applications to linear recurrent sequences, computation of powers and inverse of a matrix. Symmetric bilinear forms and inner products. Euclidean spaces. Orthonormal bases and the Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization process. Orthogonal subspaces and orthogonal complements. Orthogonal matrices and isometries. Adjoint of an endomorphism and of a square matrix. Self-adjoint endomorphisms and symmetric matrices. The spectral theorem for self-adjoint endomorphisms (Euclidean case) and symmetric matrices. Geometric interpretation of isometries. Positive and non-negative endomorphisms. Norm of a matrix. Quadratic forms and principal axes. Classification of quadratic surfaces. Hermitian spaces. Hermitian and unitary matrices. The spectral theorem for self-adjoint endomorphisms (Hermitian case) and Hermitian matrices.

natural sciences subject

Algebraic Structure I

Nikolaos Marmaridis, Ioannis Beligiannis - Undergraduate - (A-)
Department of Mathematics, University of Ioannina

Definition Grous - Groups transfers - Cyclic Groups - Generators - Lateral Classes - Theorem Lagrange - homomorphism Groups - Groups quotient - Rings and Bodies - Integral Locations - Theorems of Fermat and Euler - polynomial rings - homomorphism of Rings - Rings quotient

natural sciences subject

Biometry - Αgricultural Εxperimentation

Gerasimos Meletiou - Undergraduate - (A)
Agricultural Technology, TEI of Epirus

Basic introduction to agricultural experimentation. Introduction to Statistics. Descriptive Statistics. Theoretical probability distributions. Sampling distributions. Measures of dispersion. Estimation. Statistical Inference. Statistical significance tests. Hypothesis testing. Simple linear regression. Demonstrate use of statistical packages.

natural sciences subject

Group Theory

Nikolaos Marmaridis - Undergraduate - (A-)
Department of Mathematics, University of Ioannina

Groups, subgroups, cyclic groups, direct products, symmetric groups, conjugation, centralizer, normal subgroups, quotient groups, homomorphisms. Finitely generated abelian groups. Sylow theorems and applications. Semidirect and wreath products. Free and solvable groups. Upper and lower central series. Nilpotent groups.

natural sciences subject

Statistical Data Analysis

Apostolos Batsidis - Undergraduate - (A-)
Department of Mathematics, University of Ioannina

With the help of computer and using the statistical program SPSS, this course applies the statistical theory developed in the courses "Introduction to Statistics", "Statistical Inference" and "Regression and Analysis of Variance."

natural sciences subject

Field Theory

Jannis Antoniadis - Undergraduate - (A+)
Department of Mathematics and Applied Mathematics, University of Crete