Found 84 courses



engineering subject

Computational Mechanics

GEORGIOS STAVROULAKIS - undergraduate - (A-)
School of Production Engineering and Management, Technical University of Crete

Introduction to computational mechanics, with emphasis on the finite element method. Numerical methods in construction. Finite element method (equilibrium, compatibility, material laws, geometric discretization, stiffness and mass matrix, composition of items, total matrices, formation and solution, post data). Brief theoretical introduction (virtual work principle, etc.), examples of static linear analysis (bar, beam, plane stress tray). Related problems.

engineering subject

Dynamics, vibrations and control of structures

GEORGIOS STAVROULAKIS - undergraduate - (A-)
School of Production Engineering and Management, Technical University of Crete

Simulation and numerical solution of problems of dynamics and vibrations of structures with introduction to the design and control of dynamical systems. Linear s-dof oscillator (free response, eigenfreequency, damping, forced vibration). Discrete m-dof oscillators (simulation, eigenmodes, eigenfreequencies, modal anaysis). Analytical dynamics (restrictions, virtual work principle, Lagrange equations, Hamilton principle). Continuous medium.

engineering subject

Surface Mining Design

GEORGE EXADAKTYLOS - undergraduate - (A+)
School of Mineral Resources Engineering, Technical University of Crete

Lectures are on Marble Surface & Underground Quarrying, Open Pit Mining Engineering, ore reserve modeling, planning and design, excavation methods, risk, equipment selection, equipment performance analysis and cost analysis.

engineering subject

Implementation of smart devices and materials to spatial elements

School of Architectural Engineering, Technical University of Crete

Technics and tools for the design and development of provisions which adapted to a certain space are able to impart certain specific characteristics.

engineering subject


Koliopoulos Panagiotis - Undergraduate - (A-)
Civil Engineering Department, TEI of Central Macedonia

Introduction to the dynamic loading and to the concepts of internal and geometrical damping. Solution of dynamical problems with both analytical and computational methods. Seismic analysis based on Response Spectra.

engineering subject

Foundation Engineering

Emmanouil Kirtas - Undergraduate - (A-)
Department of Civil Engineering and Surveying and Geomatics, TEI of Central Macedonia

We describe the study and analysis of different types of foundations and retaining (superficial and deep foundations of unreinforced and reinforced concrete) and make a detailed description of the process design, construction and arming their configuration. The aim of teaching is the understanding of theoretical principles in Foundations and Retaining issues and the possibility of computing Troubleshoot Basic Foundations in classical applications.

engineering subject

Soil Mechanics

Emmanouil Kirtas - Undergraduate - (A-)
Department of Civil Engineering and Surveying and Geomatics, TEI of Central Macedonia

The course describes the basic principles of soil mechanics tailored curriculum of Civil Engineering TE. Developed a series of methodologies and approaches for the identification of key elements for soil and foundation construction, and more specifically to identify trends in the soil due to the same weight and responsible, calculating the soil bearing capacity and the load rating foundation, determination of surface subsidence of foundations and calculation of earth pressures and retaining walls.

engineering subject

Preparation of Technical Documents

Konstantinos Papatheodorou - Undergraduate - (A-)

Objective: to familiarize students with the kinds of technical texts, the familiarity with the language used and the philosophy governing the technical texts and learning of writing techniques, communication and documentation. The issues outlined in this course include Edit text in text editor (page sizes, spaces, modes of production of printed and digital material) Structure and composition of a scientific work (organization and content), Coherence and consistency of speech of a scientific work Research / s methodology / s per module field research, References, Time-authoring a scientific paper, Documentation and Conclusions - Formulate proposals. Oral presentations - Objectives, techniques, instruments.

engineering subject

General and Applied Geology

Konstantinos Papatheodorou - Undergraduate - (A-)
Department of Civil Engineering and Surveying and Geomatics, TEI of Central Macedonia

Soil, subsoil, soil formation, soil distribution. Physical properties of soils. Soil organic matter. Clay minerals, effect on the ground. Report on the chemical properties of the soil. Characterization of soils. Reference to rinse concepts diapilosi, degradation, enrichment. CLASSIFICATION American soil system. Characteristics symbols. Create-establishment and evolution of the Earth. Theory of the lithospheric plates. Minerals. Methods recognition. Petrogennetika minerals. Rocks-categories. Stratigraphy, fundamental concepts. Illustrations on paper. Geomorphology, weathering, erosion, karst phenomena.

engineering subject

Cost & Budget of Constructions

Ioannis Lialiampis - Undergraduate - (A-)
Department of Civil Engineering and Surveying and Geomatics, TEI of Central Macedonia

Understand how measurements of the different structures and their costing method. Cost Estimation Methods contractual structures and realize only cost. Budget expenditure and anamenoneno profit. Contractual budget technical projects. Public-private projects.