Introduction: the subject matter of psychology; fundamental approaches to psychological theory (structuralism, the influence of Darwin’s theory, functionalism, behaviorism, gestalt theory, the psychodynamic theory of Freud, cognitive psychology and cognitive science); areas of psychology; Research methods: research methods of psychology (quantitative and qualitative methods); research methods of cognitive psychology (introspective, experimental, psychological, verbal reports); ethical issues; Introduction to cognitive processes: perception; attention; memory; language; thought and representation; problem solving; intelligence; conscious and unconscious processing; motivation and emotions;
• The course aims: 1. firstly, at presenting the basic theories and research methods of Psychology, and 2. secondly, at analyzing the basic concepts (cognitive processes, motivation, affect) and principles of Psychology. • Students are expected to: 1. be aware of the basic theories and research methods of Psychology, and 2. understand the basic concepts and principles of Psychology.
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