Electrical Circuits

Historical data. Conductors, insulators, semiconductors. Law of Coulomb. Maintaining cargo. Electric field. Electric field strength. Electric Resources. Electric Current and Resistance. Law of Ohm. Connecting elements in series and parallel. Energy transfer to an electrical circuit. Notations electrical quantities. Units of measurement. Multiples and submultiples. Signals and waveforms. Non-periodic signals. Magazines signals. Modulated signals. Back & Active signal value. Electric circuit. Linearity, causality, temporal immutability. Independent and dependent sources. Internal resistance. Log ideals sources. Connecting actual sources. Voltage divider. Divider current. Wheatstone Bridge. Solving circuits. Laws of Kirchhoff. Process loops. Examples. Process nodes. Examples. Superposition theorem. Theorem of substitution. Theorem of Tellegen. Theorems of Thevenin & Norton. Examples. Solving circuits with dependent sources. Examples. Transformations star - triangle. Maximum power transfer theorem. Straight burden and dynamic element resistance. Complex resistors. Composite circuits. Voltage & Vectors intensity. Power in complex circuits. Examples. Circuits coordination with passive components. In a series - parallel. Range transit zone. Quality factor. Frequency transfer function. Examples. Time response circuits. Circuits RC. Circuit RLC. Stability circuits. Transformers. An ideal, real and hybrid transformer. Graphic measurement performances. Errors of measurements. Straight least squares. Detection Instruments. Gauges. Multimeters. Oscilloscope.


To acquaint students with study techniques, analysis and solving of electric circuits. After attending the course students should: To have a good grasp of the subject and know the basic principles governing the operation of the circuits. Be able to apply techniques to solve simple electrical circuits with both independent and with dependent rates. To understand the importance of the concepts of resonance, amplitude pass band and the transfer function of frequency.




Historical data. Conductors, insulators, semiconductors. Law of Coulomb. Maintaining cargo. Electric field. Electric field strength. Electric Resources. Electric Current and Resistance. Law of Ohm. Connecting elements in series and parallel. Energy transfer to an electrical circuit. Notations electrical quantities. Units of measurement. Multiples and submultiples. Signals and waveforms. Non-periodic signals. Magazines signals. Modulated signals. Back & Active signal value. Electric circuit. Linearity, causality, temporal immutability. Independent and dependent sources. Internal resistance. Log ideals sources. Connecting actual sources. Voltage divider. Divider current. Wheatstone Bridge. Solving circuits. Laws of Kirchhoff. Process loops. Examples. Process nodes. Examples. Superposition theorem. Theorem of substitution. Theorem of Tellegen. Theorems of Thevenin & Norton. Examples. Solving circuits with dependent sources. Examples. Transformations star - triangle. Maximum power transfer theorem. Straight burden and dynamic element resistance. Complex resistors. Composite circuits. Voltage & Vectors intensity. Power in complex circuits. Examples. Circuits coordination with passive components. In a series - parallel. Range transit zone. Quality factor. Frequency transfer function. Examples. Time response circuits. Circuits RC. Circuit RLC. Stability circuits. Transformers. An ideal, real and hybrid transformer. Graphic measurement performances. Errors of measurements. Straight least squares. Detection Instruments. Gauges. Multimeters. Oscilloscope.






Instructors: Anastasios Mpalouktsis
Department: Department of Computer Engineering
Institution: TEI of Central Macedonia
Subject: Mathematics
Rights: CC - Attribution-ShareAlike

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