International Law

I. Introduction ΙΙ. Sources of International Law A) The main sources of international law under Article 38 ICJ 1. Conventional International Law or Law of Treaties (treaties categories; international unilateral acts) 2. The customary international law (i) objective element: practice states (ii) opinio juris 3. The general principles of law 4. Indulgence- rectum and equal-equity (ex aequo et bono) B) Results of International Treaties implementation : 1. The compulsory nature 2. The principle of reciprocity 3. Self-contained application III. International Law Subjects: A) The evolution of the concept of international personality. Subjects, Actors and users of the law 1. The State: soil, sovereignty, people 2. International Organizations: (i) definition (ii) categories (iii) the legal force of the international organizations decisions. References in the UN system, BRETTON WOODS, EU , 3. The individual as a subject of international law and other "users" of international law: NGOs, national liberation movements, guerrillas B) General principles of international law 1. The principle of equality between Member 2. The principle of self-determination IV. International responsibility State 1. The concept of international responsibility under international law and its codification 2. international responsibility of the State: (i) a breach of international law (ii) allocation 3. Consequences of international responsibility: (i) reparation (ii) stop and not repeat V. The Protection of Human Rights A) The international dimension of human rights: 1. Conceptual demarcation of human rights and science of human rights 2. The three generations of human rights: (i) Civil and political rights, ii) economic-social and cultural rights iii) the solidarity rights 3. The nature of the DA: universal, indivisible, interdependent and interrelated B) European Law of Human Rights: 1. Council of Europe 2. European Union B) SPECIFIC HUMAN RIGHTS ISSUES -RACISM 1. The principle of equality and non-discrimination 2. The race as a protected characteristic discrimination: (i) four (4) Declarations of UNESCO, (ii) the International Framework of and position of Cases before the ICJ 3. The International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (CERD): purpose, implementation and control mechanisms 4. At the regional level: (i) The Council of Europe and the ECHR (ii) EU and directives to combat discrimination 5. Categories and justifying discriminatory criteria: (i) direct discrimination (ii) indirect discrimination 6. Topical aspects of racism item: The hate speech and incitement to racism


Acquisition of basic knowledge about international law, so that students know the operating structures and the organization of international society.


Prerequisite course: European institutions ( 1st year , 2nd semester )


1) Introduction to International Law 2) Schools of Thought of International Law 3) Sources of international law. The special importance of international treaties 4) Remove power of International Treaty 5) The right of peoples to self-determination 6) Succession of States under international law 7) International Responsibility 8) United Nations: Constitution and institutions 9) Principles Pacta sunt servanda and Rebus sic stantibus 10) Genocide and crimes against humanity in accordance with international law






Instructors: Panagiotis Grigoriou
Department: Sociology
Institution: Aegean University
Subject: Law
Rights: CC - Attribution

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