Telecommunication Systems I (Theory, TD504)

The purpose of the course is to introduce students to the basic concepts and techniques of analogue communications, as well as introductory concepts of digital communications. For this purpose, a review of important modules of signal theory and systems (signals and systems of continuous time, convolution, Fourier transform, etc.) will be initially made. Next, the concept of configuration will be given and the two basic families of analogue configurations (width and angle) will be presented. The effect of noise on analogue communication systems will be examined. This will be followed by the presentation of the analog signal conversion to digital, as well as the presentation of the multiplexing techniques in time and frequency and pulse configurations.


Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to: Knowledge level: 1. Identify the most appropriate way of calculating the output of a linear and temporally invariant system. 2. Describe the methodology of calculating the frequency response of a linear and temporally invariant system. 3. Describe the structure and operation of an analogue communications system. 4. Recognize different types of noise and compare the impacts 5. Describe the principle of amplitude modulation. 6. Describe the operating principle of the angle configuration. 7. Describe the features and functions of analogue modulators and demodulators (AM, PM, FM). 8. To distinguish the individual stages of the conversion process of an analog signal in digital format and vice versa. 9. Describe the principle of time division multiplexing (TDM). 10. Identify the kinds of pulse configurations. Skills level 1. Calculate the spectral power density of a continuous-time signal. 2. Calculate the frequency response of a continuous-time system. 3. Calculate the values ​​of the parameters required for correct signal conversion from analog to digital, as well as calculate the rate of the generated information. 4. Calculate the spectral power density of the noise. 5. Design the waveforms and spectra of signals formed in a wide or angled way and compare the differences between them. 6. Calculate the modulation index and bandwidth in a width or angle configuration. 7. Explain the differences between matched and non-conforming demodulators. 8. Compare the demodulation techniques of a width modulation system and evaluate the effect of phase shift on carrier recovery. 9. Study the effect of noise on analogue communications. 10. Explain the differences between types of pulse modulation. At Skills level 1. Design the architecture of a superheterodyne receiver. 2. Design modulators and demodulators of width and angle modulation systems. 3. Design and evaluate carrier recovery systems. 4. Design Frequency Division (FDM) and time division multiplex (TDM) devices. 5. Choose the appropriate analogue configuration for given communication specifications (bandwidth, transmission power, signal to noise ratio, etc.). 6. Evaluate the operation of the production and detection circuits of each of the known analog configurations. 7. Minimize the effect of quantum noise on a PCM format. 8. Assess the differences between DM-ADM and PCM-DPCM systems. 9. Implement analogue configuration devices and perform measurements in dedicated laboratory equipment. 10. Perform simulations of the above in a specific computing environment (AWR).


Signals and Systems


Overview of continuous-time signals and systems. Representation of a signal in the frequency domain. System response and filters. Spectral description of random signals - Noise. Transmit analog signals to the baseband. Noise in baseband systems. The need for configuration. Analog Configuration Types. Linear configuration systems (DSB, SSB, AM, VSB). Angle configuration (FM, PM, WB-FM, NB-FM). Frequency Division Multiplexing (FDM). Noise in linear and angular configuration systems. Convert analog signal to digital. Sampling. Nyquist sampling theorem. Quantization. Codification. Pulse width modulation (PAM). Pulse duration modulation (PWM). Phase pulse modulation (PPM). Multiplexing of PCM signals. Multiplexing of TDM time signals. DPCM Differential Pulse Coding, DM Delta Modulation and ADM Adaptive Configuration. Multiple time division PCM signal (TDM-PCM). TDM system bandwidth. Pulse width modulation (PAM). Pulse duration modulation (PWM). Phase pulse modulation (PPM). TDM-PAM time division multiplex.






Instructors: Michael Paraskevas
Department: Computer and Informatics Engineering Department
Institution: TEI of Western Greece
Subject: Electrical Engineering, Electronic Engineering, Information Engineering
Rights: CC - Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives

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