English 4th Semester: Basic Principples of Oral Presentations

The course comprises a short theoretical part on the basic principles of public speaking and a longer practical part on the analysis and presentation of speeches in the English language. Emphasis is given to the dialogic nature of public speaking, the contribution of the audience, the characteristics of oral versus written language and of the genre of public speaking. The course analyzes the strategies speakers use to draw the attention of the audience, to support arguments, build credibility, become clearly understood and pleasant to their listeners. The students of this course are to understand the importance of public speaking, learn how to recognize the type of strategies commonly employed by successful speakers and make their own in class presentations in English with the instructor’s guidance.


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The course begins with the basic principles of an oral presentation like its importance, the contribution of the audience, ethical issues involved, and fear of the audience. Next it deals with more practical issues like the preparation of the speech, selection of suitable topic and purpose, preparing a rationale, and the composition of an abstract, introduction and conclusion. It also deals with speech delivery like body language, appropriate use of voice, and presentational aids. Emphasis is given to the strategies with which speakers support their arguments and draw and retain the attention of the audience in the analysis of a variety of model speeches. In this course students get the chance to make their own oral presentations and be assessed in it. This is done with the instructor’s guidance in their preparation from the initial stage of topic selection to the final delivery of the speech.






Instructors: Ifigeneia Machili
Department: Economics
Institution: University of Macedonia
Subject: Languages and Literature
Rights: Attribution - ShareAlike CC BY-SA

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