Pig Production (Laboratory)

Not available.


Knowledge: Specialization of students on modern and scientifically managed pig production systems (commercial or breeding farms), with the primary aim of producing safe and high quality pig meat and superior genetic value replacement stock. Comprehension: The student has the opportunity to understand all pig production methods (classical and organic) with a combination of high standards of productive and reproductive management, as well as modern housing conditions and equipment. In advance, preventive hygiene, nutrition, welfare, biosecurity, environmental friendly animal science management, matters of quality assurance and safety of pig meat products, consist a complete approach of pig production science. - Application: The student will be able to investigate and apply up to date knowledge on modern pig production systems. - Analysis: The student will be able to appraise the science of producing non-ruminants while using the provided information to analyze the effect of various parameters that are involved in the production of pig meat and its products. - Synthesis: The student will be able to associate the theoretical and practical background of his knowledge and experience in the fields of Anatomy, Genetics, Physiology, Reproduction and Nutrition of non-ruminants, with modern pig production targets and consumer demands. - Evaluation: The student has the opportunity to learn about the science of Pig Production, being able to evaluate the current situation and its future prospects not only in Greece but worldwide. Thus, he will have the ability to recommend plans and measures of improving the status of pig production within the sector of animal production.


- Reproduction in farm animals - Animal Genetics - Animal Nutrition


Not available.






Instructors: Ioannis Skoufos, Georgios Maglaras
Department: Agricultural Department Technology
Institution: TEI of Epirus
Subject: Veterinary Science
Rights: CC - Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives

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