Applied Electromagnetism

This course is a study of the branch of physics that refers to electric and magnetic fields. Also an introduction to the Visual as an application of electromagnetic waves. The laws of electricity and magnetism determine the operation of radios, televisions, computers, electric motors, particle accelerators at high energies and large number of electronic devices and equipment used in medicine and other fields. Also the fact that there is also due to electric forces which hold the electrons around the nucleus like the atoms in the molecules between them. Finally all electromagnetic phenomena explained by Maxwell's equations, which are a summary of the conclusions of the laws governing electricity and magnitism.Introduction to Geometrical and Physical Optics (Reflection, Refraction, touSnell Law, Principle of Fermat, Principle of Huygens, Interference, Diffraction)


Introduction to Electromagnetism and applications


Not Determined


Introduction to Vector Analysis Electric charges - Coulomb strength Electrical field lines Meaning of field - Electrostatic field Intensity electric field - the electric field Flow Gauss Law Power Resources Energy Electric field Poisson's and Laplace's equations Dielectric - Polarisation - Field D Capacitors Boundary Conditions Power and resistance Circuit d.c. Magnetic field sources Law Biot - Savart Gauss law in magnetostatics - Vector magnetic potential Law Ampere - Law Ampere - Maxwell Magnetostatics in matter - Magnetization M and the field H Law Faraday Rule of Lentz Coils and magnetic inductance L Circuit AC Equations Maxwell - Differential and Integral form Wave equation Poynting vector Energy, Momentum and a pressure / M wave Introduction to Optical






Instructors: Konstantinos Petridis
Department: Department of Electronics
Institution: TEI of Crete
Subject: Physical Sciences
Rights: CC - Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike

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