Programming II

Study of the basic concepts and models related to object-oriented programming using C++. The material covered by the module involves the following topics: Introduction to C++: classes, objects, messages, variables, methods, constructor, access controls, and overloading. Basic classes. Inheritance, polymorphism, abstract classes. OOP design, interfaces, inner classes. Exceptions and exception-handling. Input/Output. private, public, and protected specifiers, and usage in inheritance, in encapsulation, and when returning objects from methods. Memory management and allocation. Method and operator overloading. Class hierarchies, abstract classes, and run-time type information. Template functions and classes. Name spaces.


Upon successful completion of the course the student should: 1. Understand the basics, nature, structure, and functions of object-oriented programming. 2. understand and use the properties and methods of classes, inheritance, and manufacturing methods (constructors) and destruction (destructor). 3. Understand the relationship between classes, structures and unions. 4. Understands and uses nested functions and automatic insertion. 5. Understands and uses the input / output console in C ++. 6. Understands and uses the assignment objects , The passage of objects in methods, returning objects from methods and allied functions. 7. Understands and uses the objects provisions, pointers to objects, references, passing references to objects and return reports. 8. Understands and uses the overloaded functions and operators. 9. Understands and uses the input / output and advanced features / O of C ++. 10. Understands and uses virtual functions. 11. Understands and uses the standards and handling exceptions. 12. Understands and uses the determination type at runtime and type conversion operators. 13.Katanoei and uses namespaces and conversion functions. When the student has successfully completed the course will be able to: 1. Describe the data structures (DD) used. 2. assess the possibilities (pros-limitations) specific DD 3. Examine each problem in relation to the available DD 4. To plan the appropriate DD in each case. 5. creates-implements the selected DD in C programming language 6. To compare and evaluate the performance of DD


There are no prerequisite courses.


• Classes, objects, messages, variables, methods, constructors, access control and overload. • Hierarchy classes, abstract classes, and identify type at runtime. • Inheritance, polymorphism, abstract classes. • Design OOP, interfaces, classes. • Assays of public, private, protected the inheritance, encapsulation and returned items. • Memory management and assignment objects. • Overloading methods and operators. • Standard functions and classes.






Instructors: George Sisias
Department: Department of Computer Engineering TE
Institution: TEI of Western Macedonia
Subject: Computer and Information Sciences
Rights: CC - Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives

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