Pastoral Theology

Introduction to issues about Pastoral Theology such as the dimensions of the Church’ s pastoral work, the role of the pastor, the interaction between mutual and privative prayer, the contribution of Baptism to the ontological metamorphosis of man, the inextricable connection between doctrine and ethos in church’ s worship, the deeper meaning and the characteristics of preaching, the meaning of the theological significance of marriage, the recognition of regret as a way of life and the understanding of the reason for death but also of the Church’ s capability to exceed it.


• Objectives of the course is to understand the dimensions of Pastoral Theology of the indissoluble relationship between charism and ministry, and the renovated role of the sacraments of the Church. • After successful completion of the course the student is expected to know and understand the role of the pastor as peramatari- permeable, the effect of prayer in the spiritual progress of man, the renovated character of Baptism, the relationship and distinction between naming and baptism, the condensation of the doctrinal and moral teaching of the Church on earth of reference, the conditions of effective ministry of the divine word, the mystery of marriage as a common path perfection and sanctification, the sacrament of penance as a way of life and the mystery of death as the price of sin, that man has the ability to beat only within the body of Christ, the Church.




a) The concept of Pastoral b) The types of prayer c) Pastoral Baptism d) The inextricable link doctrine and morals e) Marriage and family f) The mystery of death






Instructors: Maria Karampelia
Department: Clerical Studies Department
Institution: TEI of Western Macedonia
Subject: Philosophy, Ethics and Religion
Rights: CC - Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives

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