Geology (acad. year 2012-2013)

The objective of the course is to provide an introduction to the study of the science of Geology, with an emphasis on topics affecting the site investigation, design, and construction processes of civil engineering projects. It also analyses the most important of the earth’s interior and surface features, and the processes that contributed to their formation. Reading and interpretation of topographic and geologic maps skills are attained through exercises.


introduction to the study of the science of Geology, with an emphasis on topics affecting the site investigation, design, and construction processes of civil engineering projects. Analysis of the most important of the earth’s interior and surface features, and the processes that contributed to their formation. Reading and interpretation of topographic and geologic maps skills are attained through exercises.


No prerequisites are needed in order to attend the course.


Introduction to Geology. Engineering Geology and Civil Engineering. Earth's shape, structure and composition. Exercises: Maps (definitions, categories and scale). Topographic maps. Internal and Surficial processes. Exercises: Topographic maps and sections. Earth’s interior density. Earth’s isostasy and gravity field. Earth’s interior pressure and temperature. Earth’s magnetic field. Exercises: Topographic sections in real topographic maps. Minerals, their chemical composition, and petrogenetic minerals. Sedimentary rocks (introduction). Exercises: Introduction to geologic maps (horizontal strata [beds]). Sedimentary rocks. Weathering, erosion, transportation and deposition. Soils and soil forming processes. Exercises: Construction of geologic section in horizontal strata (beds). Exercises: Geologic maps of inclined strata [beds]). Introduction to the construction of geologic section in inclined strata (beds). Exercises: Geologic maps of inclined strata [beds]). Construction of geologic section in inclined strata [beds]. Review exercise. Geologic time. Igneous rocks. Exercises: 3 point problem. Unconformities. Exercises: Unconformities in geologic maps. Metamorphic rocks and rock cycle. Exercises: Geologic maps of inclined faults. Running water, hydrologic cycle, rivers and valleys, geomorphological cycle. Soil and rock porosity and permeability. Exercises: Geologic map of an area with an angular unconformity and a vertical fault. Water table and aquifers. Groundwater reserves and pollution. Groundwater movement, springs, geothermy and groundwater geomorphology. Exercises: review exercise on geologic maps. Plate Tectonics. Geotectonic structure of Greece. Seismic waves, earthquake characteristics, effects and categories. Folds. Exercises: Geologic maps of folded strata (beds). Geologic, mineral and energy resources. Exercises: Geologic maps of folded strata (beds).






Instructors: Ioannis Clapsopoulos
Department: Department of Civil Engineering
Institution: University of Thessaly
Subject: Earth and Related Environmental Sciences
Rights: CC - Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike

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