Multilingualism in primary education: implications for language teaching

The course aims to raise prospective teachers’ awareness towards the multilingual and multicultural reality of contemporary primary schools and to subsequently equip them with the knowledge and the techniques that are necessary in dealing with this reality, especially in relation to language teaching and integrated language teaching. Discussion of theoretical issues in bilingualism and second language teaching is enhanced with a review of the research literature on relevant topics. This task is further supported by in-class activities of developing and adjusting materials and resources in order to meet the needs of students from different linguistic and cultural backgrounds in the mainstream primary classrooms.


The course aims to raise prospective teachers’ awareness towards the multilingual and multicultural reality of contemporary primary schools and to subsequently equip them with the knowledge and the techniques necessary in dealing with this reality, especially in relation to language teaching and integrated language teaching.


There are no prerequisites.


Bilingualism: definitions and distinctions Basic Interpersonal Communicative Skills (BICS) and Cognitive Academic Language Proficiency (CALP) Cognitive models of bilingualism: the role of first language in learning Teaching Greek as a Second Language Teaching and assessment of reading comprehension and writing skills for language minority students in the mainstream classroom Integrated Language Learning Language variation and language teaching Resources for Teaching Greek as a Second Language to young learners






Instructors: Evgenia Vasilaki
Department: Department of Primary Education
Institution: University of Thessaly
Subject: Other Humanities
Rights: CC - Attribution

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