English Language for Special International Relations and Economy Issues

The course is offered to 6th semester students of both directions (Direction of International and European Economic Studies and Direction of Political Studies and Diplomacy). The course provides practice to specialist vocabulary of economic and political sciences as it appears in authentic written texts and speeches of relevant content. Τhe students develop these skills as we analyze and discuss written and oral texts in their field of specialization and as they prepare their own oral presentations in particular as they research, read and write about their topics and present them in class. Emphasis is given to the recognition and use of strategies with which they make their specialized topics clear and easily understandable to their audience.


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Initially students are briefly introduced into the principles of public speaking and the process of preparing an oral presentation. A variety of written texts and model speeches are analyzed in class and the different characteristics of oral versus written language are discussed. Special attention is paid to the strategies with which speakers support their arguments, draw the attention of the audience and deliver a clearly understood speech to their audience. Practice and consolidation of the theoretical principles are given as the students are offered the chance to prepare and present their own presentations on a topic of their specialization with the instructor’s supervision.






Instructors: Ifigeneia Machili
Department: International and European Studies
Institution: University of Macedonia
Subject: Economics and Business Administration
Rights: Attribution - ShareAlike CC BY-SA

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